SMS = Short Message Service
2 = To/too/two
2day = Today
2moro = Tomorrow
4 = For
@ = At
ADN = Any Day No
читать дальшеASAP = As soon as possible
ATM = At the moment
B = Be
B/C = Because
B4 = Before
C = See/sea
CID = Consider it done
CU = See you
CUL8R = See You Later
D u wnt 2 go out 2nit? = Do you want to go out tonight
Esp = Especially
H2 = How to
ILBL8 = I’ll be late
L8 = Late
L8r = Later
LMK = Let me know
M8 = Mate
M80 = Matey
Mob = Mobile
Msg = Message
Ne1/Neone = Anyone
Neva = Never
No1 = No one
NMP = Not my problem
Ntl = Nevertheless
OIC = Oh, I see
OK = Okay
Pls = Please
Pobl = Possible
Ppl = People
R = Are
RUF2 = Are you free to talk?
Spk = Speak
Tho = Though
Thnq = Thank you
Thru = Through
THX/TNX = Thanks
TNOTVS = This is nothing on TV so …
U = You
Un4gtebl = Unforgettable
UOK? = You OK?
YR = Your/You’re
Usu = Usually
WWW = World Wide Web/ Why?Why?Why?
Want2 = Want to
Wknd = Weekend
W/O = Without
W8 = Wait
W8ing = Waiting
Wer r u = Where are you
YM = You mean
YR = Year, right!
XLNT = Exellent